Winter 2025 - 02/10/2025
Winter 2025 including Christmas Fair and visit of Archbishop Michael
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Primatial Liturgy for the 60th Anniversary of the parish with His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon and Archbishop Michael. Blessing of the Portico and founders' plaque.
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The visit of the miraculous icon of St. Anne, Mother of the Theotokos from St. Tikhon Monastery on Mother's Day, 2023
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Lenten Vespers - 03/12/2023
March 12, 2023 Deanery Lenten Vespers. Pierogi making day on Saturday, March 11, 2023
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Archpastoral Visist of His Eminence Archbishop Michael - 01/22/2023
Photos of the Archpastoral visit of His Eminence Archbishop Michael in anticipation of the parish patroanl Feast Day. His Eminence honored theee foudning members of the parish who turned 90 in December: Vera Dychkewich, Anna Hydock, and Eleanor Moschowsky.
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Summer 2022 - 09/16/2022
Photos from various feasts and events from Summer 2022. Feasts of the Dormition, Nativity of the Theotokos, Elevation of the Cross. Summer Movie Night and the Diocesan Evangelism School and Clergy Retreat.
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Feast of St. Gregory - 01/24/2021
Feast of St. Gregory and Annual Visit of Archbishop Michael
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Feats of the Nativity 2020 - 12/25/2020
Pictures from the Feast of the Nativity and the Chrismation of the DiStefano family
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Feast of Dormition - 08/15/2020
The Feats of Dormition 2020 and the reception of Isabella Santos into the Church.
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Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/08/2020
Parish celebration of the Sunday of Orthodoxy and the joyous occasion of the recognition and blessing of Patricia and Isabella, two catechumens beginning their preparation for reception into the Orthodox Faith.
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His Eminence Archbishop Michael, Archbishop of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey makes his annual visit to St. Gregory's
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St. Raphael Icon Blessed - 12/22/2019
On Sunday, December 22, 2019, the parish blessed a new icon of St. Raphael of Brooklyn. The icon has a relic of the saint embedded and pictures the catehdral and area in which he served. It was donated in memory of Paul Jubinsky by his family in memory of his repose inthe Lord this summer. O Blessed St. Raphael of Brooklyn pray to God for Us!
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St. Gregory's Annual Christmas Festival raised close to $8,200 for local charities. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make it a success.
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The youth and volunteers from St. Gregory's gathered together for the first Youth Church School Day to learn about prosphora baking and the use of prosphora in the Liturgy.
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St. Gregory Orthodox Church hosted the annual Clergy Retreat from Wednesday, September 4 to Thursday, September 5, 2019. The guest speaker was Dn. Ezra Ham from St. Elijah Antiochian Orthodox Church in Oklahoma City, OK. Dn. Ezra spoke on the final chapters of the Gospel of John and the context of today's worl and the Orthodox Church.
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Elevation of the Cross 2017
"For, behold, through the cross joy has come into all the world."
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Feast of St. Gregory 2017 with Bishop Michael
"Grace is given not to them that speak their faith but to those who live their faith." - St. Gregory the Theologian
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Feast of Pentecost 2016
"Let us celebrate Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit, the appointed day of promise, and the fulfillment of hope, the mystery which is as great as it is precious." - from Vigil of Pentecost
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Choir - 01/01/2014
Sing praises to our God, sing praises! St. Gregory Choir (choir directors present: Liz Vinogradov, Joel Evans, Valentina Evans +, Jeanne Plekon, and Amy Arndt)
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Feast of Saint Gregory - 01/01/2014
A cold, January morning filled with light, love, and family!
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Pierogi Making Day 2013 - 01/01/2013
Each year parishioners gather to make pierogis. The recipes and method of making (or pinching) the pierogis are passed down from the elders to the young so that, God willing, the tradition will continue. The pierogis are sold during our holiday fairs and all proceeds are given to local charities.
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Cupola Icons - 09/01/2013
The cupola icons were all painted by the hand of our fellow parishioner and artist, Olga Poloukhine. Olga worked many months on this project to adorn our church cupola with sacred images. The central icon is of Our Lady of the Sign. The side panel icons depict patriarchs, prophets, and saints of the past as well as the 20th Century. The photographs were taken prior to the installation and blessing that took place on Sunday, September 1, 2013.
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Olga Poloukhine Icon Studio Tour 2013 - 01/01/2013
On the Feast of All Saints (2013), members of the parish visited the icon studio of our resident iconographer, Olga Poloukhine. In addition to holding icon classes, Olga was currently finishing the icons that will adorn our church cupola and give glory to God. During this visit, Olga showed her work in progress and demonstrated how to make paint with egg and pigment in the traditional manner.
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Sunday of the Samaritan Woman - 01/01/2013
"The water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." - John 4:14
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Feast of Annunciation - 01/01/2013
Today we celebrated the Feast of Annunciation in which Mary's "Yes" makes possible the coming of God to us in the person of her son, Jesus. The photos capture beams of light descending on us as the Holy Spirit does to Mary in the icons of the feast. May we accept the gift of faith to continually say "Yes" to all that God would have us be and do.
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Feast of the Presentation of the Lord with Bishop Michael - 01/01/2013
Our parish celebrated the Presentation of the Lord with our bishop, Michael and also recognized our boys and girl scouts on Scout Day.
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Nativity Vigil - 01/01/2012
With deep gratitude, our faith community celebrated the birth of our Lord. This great feast challenges us to ask ourselves: "Where is Bethlehem?" Is it found only in the ancient city of David? Is it only in the church or at home with loved ones gathered around the Christmas tree? Yes, Bethlehem is there, but it is also in our hearts. There the Lord waits for us in the manger of our own human frailty; in the cold, silent places of our inner life where we often forget to seek Him. He asks us to make room for his coming and to celebrate Him with the angels. Christ is born! Glorify Him!
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Feast of Saint Nicholas - 01/01/2012
Today our parish celebrated the Feast of Saint Nicholas. Several children of the parish helped bake the prosphora (offering bread) used in today's divine liturgy. We also began the liturgy with an open proskomidia during which the bread and wine, typically prepared in the sanctuary, were instead prepared in the nave as a learning opportunity for the faithful present.
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