Due to the current restrictions on COVID, St. Gregory's will not be holding their annual Christmas Fair. However, the St. Hope Committee will be doing their holiday bake sale of nut, poppy seed, apricot and prune rolls. Orders can be done via email at Hanchhy@gmail.com. Orders should be in by Friday, December 3 and indicate what type of rolls you want and the number of each. Pickup of the orders will be in the parking lot of the church on Friday, December 10 and Saturday, December 11.

Our parish again has the opportunity to help make Christmas joyful for the 28 children (ranging from age 1-22) at St. Basil’s Academy. Due to Covid, the Academy is requesting $25 Amazon gift cards that will then be used to purchase gifts requested by the children.
If you’d like to participate:
- Sign up on the sign-up sheet on the outreach bulletin board in the church hall
- Put your $25 gift card in a sealed envelope marked St. Basil’s Christmas
- Put envelope in mailbox in parish hall, give to a council member, or mail to the church
- You may also make a $25 cash/check or Paypal contribution and the gift card will be purchased on your behalf
Deadline for the gifts is Sunday Nov. 21st. Thank you for your generosity.

Our past Christmas gifts of clean, gently used handbags filled with toiletries have been greatly appreciated by the women of Grace Smith House, a local domestic abuse support center (https://www.gracesmithhouse.org/). If you’d like to help this year, please bring in your used but still serviceable handbags by Sunday October 31st (they can be placed in the hampers by the Outreach bulletin board). Once we have a count of how many handbags have been donated, a list of items needed to fill them will be posted. The deadline for contributing these items will be Sunday November 28th, so as to give us time in early December to fill the purses and deliver them to the Grace Smith House before Christmas.

The Poughkeepsie United Methodist Church (PUMC) is asking for help in providing Thanksgiving dinners for families in need in the City of Poughkeepsie area. Recipients are referred to PUMC from Love INC., Social Services, and area agencies. If you are interested in supplying a basket, please put your name on the signup sheet on the Outreach bulletin board by Sunday Oct. 17th.
The last day for drop off is Sunday Nov. 14th.
Please provide the following items per bag for a family of four. In fairness to all families, no additions or substitutions (larger families receive appropriately sized baskets).
- Box of instant potatoes
- Box stuffing mix such as “Stove Top”
- 2 cans of vegetables
- 1 can of yams
- 1 can cranberry sauce
- 2 envelopes of gravy mix
- $15 in an envelope stapled to the bag to cover the cost of turkey, pie, and rolls (Put your name on the envelope)
Place all items in a brown grocery bag with a plastic bag on the outside for ease in carrying or use a reusable shopping bag. Give to a parish council member, who will store them until delivery time. PMUC will deliver the meals to the Family Partnership Center on North Hamilton St., Poughkeepsie for distribution to the families on Tuesday November 23rd.

By popular request, St. Gregory's have created a YouTube Channel so that all classes and lectures can be found in one place. The services will still be live-streamed on the Facebook page. To go to the new YouTube Channel go to the top of homepage and click on the YouTube button. From Facebook, go to the left side of the Facebook page to the tab YouTube. Once you get the YouTube Channel you may be asked to subscribe which is perfectly safe and allows you to know when new videos are posted.

The presence of Youth, as full members of the Body of Christ, is essential to the life of our communities. The Youth are our present and future. Our hope stems from a faith that is not only lived on a daily basis but is passed on from generation to generation, ensuring continuity in witnessing Christ’s love in the world.
The presence of Youth in our Church gives us hope and purpose, following the words of the Psalmist: “He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers to teach to their children; that the next generation might know them, the children yet unborn, and arise and tell them to their children, so that they should set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God but keep His commandments…” (Psalm 78:5-7).
The Assembly of Bishops, in collaboration with the Orthodox Youth Directors of North America, is planning a variety of exciting events in the coming months. The plan includes a series of online events and webinars as well as opportunities for youth, youth workers, and parents to witness the faith and celebrate their good works in Christ. More details will be made available in the coming weeks and months at orthodoxyouth.net and assem

St. Gregory's Orthodox Church will once again sponsor the Fall Blood Drive in cooperation with the American Red Cross. The Blood Drive is on Saturday, October 2, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM in the parish hall. To reserve your spot please go to Donate Blood, Platelets or Plasma. Give Life | Red Cross Blood and put in the zip code "12590" to find the link. You can pick your time from the drop down menu. The area is in serious need of blood so please support their good work.